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If you are living in a dorm in 2011, you will be charged a $25 early move-in fee.

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Congrats again 2011 Facilitators.  I hope things are going well for your final weeks on campus!

I know everyone is busy.  And I know this will be a long E-Mail.  But please read through everything, as there is important information to share:

The Most Important Part of this E-Mail
Complete the following online form by Tuesday, May 3.  It takes less than 5 minutes:


Failure to complete this form will result in problems with housing and a possible removal from the program.

Training Meeting
Our training meeting will review more important information in greater detail.  You are REQUIRED to attend the training meeting unless you are studying abroad OR have some sort of URGENT conflict.  Previous facilitators must attend training, as well, as new information will be covered.  Training will take about an hour.  If you have any issues, contact me, ASAP.

Thank You
I am both proud and honored that you would choose to apply and volunteer as a FreshFest Facilitator.  It is a great thing you do for the incoming students.  You will no-doubt make a huge difference in the life of an incoming student.

On this subject, I would ask you to think about the following questions.  They will be the first thing we talk about at our training meeting and I can't wait to hear your answers:

1 - Who was the first person YOU met on campus.  Were they associated with FreshFest?

2 - How did it feel to be an incoming student?  For those of you who participated in FreshFest, how did if feel after the program?

Also, I would ask you to be sensitive around some of your friends that might not have been selected to be facilitators this year.  Every year we have to turn away some very qualified students because we have to set a limit on facilitator spots.  This year I was in charge of selecting under 35 facilitators from a pool of over 50+ applicants.  It was terribly hard.

Facilitator Registration Fee
This year, Hillel will be charging anyone moving into the dorms early an early-arrival fee of $25.  All other facilitators are invited to attend for FREE.  Personally, I HATE that we have to ask this of some of you, seeing as how you are amazing volunteers.  Please understand, though, that Hillel has been hit by the poor economy.

If you can not pay your $25 registration fee, for financial reasons, please let me know.  We will make other arrangements and will not turn you away.

Thank you, in advance, for your understanding.

Early Move-In
If you are living in a dorm / res hall, we will need your information to share with housing.  This information will be provided to Res Life and accommodations for a Sunday, August 21, arrival will be made on your behalf.  You can NOT gain access to your dorm room before that date.  The University always asks me to remind you that you are subject to University rules and policies for guests and conduct during early move-in time, as well.

Also, remember that food will not be available in the dining halls during FreshFest.  Your meal plan does not activate until later in the week, I believe.

Those not moving into the dorms are on their own to make arrangements.  However, I have, in the past, written notes on a student's behalf to gain access to Greek houses early, etc.  Let me know, as soon as possible, if you need any sort of assistance.

I think that covers everything.  Congrats again, and I look forward to seeing you at training!


PS - Many of you have been asking, and I will make sure there is a list of all of the facilitators soon.  I just want to make sure everyone has been notified by me, first.

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