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Each year a talented group of students are elected by a group of their peers to work with the staff at Hillel at Syracuse University to engage their fellow students and create dynamic programming.

The Hillel Jewish Student Union is a registered organization under the Syracuse University Student Association.  Please contact the board president to learn more.

Click HERE to read the Hillel Jewish Student Union Constitution.


Michael Weiss


Michael Weiss is a junior accounting and finance major from Weston, Florida. Michael has been involved in Hillel since he arrived on campus his freshman year, when he participated in FreshFest 2008. Michael served as Hillel’s Religion Vice President for the 2009 term, and is currently serving as President of Hillel for his second term. An active student, he is also involved in Oy! Cappella, Syracuse University’s Jewish a cappella group, and works as a Barista at Starbucks, right here on Marshall Street! In his spare time Michael enjoys hanging out with his friends, going to the beach, cooking, and going to the gym. If you see him around – say hi!

Elise Schachter

Communications VP
/ Executive VP

Elise Schachter is a junior at Syracuse University from Armonk, New York. She is an advertisement design major in VPA and is looking forward to reaching out to more students across the campus. Being able to bring her knowledge to this organization and gain more student interest is what drew her to the position. In her free time, Elise enjoys hanging out with friends, going to sporting events, and snowboarding in the winter.

Brittany Lerman

Social Action VP

Brittany Lerman is a freshman from Livingston, New Jersey who is majoring in psychology and a minor in Spanish. She knew she wanted to continue her involvement in community service at Syracuse, since she was very active throughout high school in Key Club and the Livingston Advisory Committee for Disabilities. Brittany is excited to serve as the 2011 Social Action Vice President to continue her own involvement in community service and also get other students involved. In the future, Brittany plans on working with the elderly or disabled children. In her free time, she enjoys watching Glee, talking, schmoozing, and going to Shabbat with friends. She looks forward to continuing her involvement with Hillel and hopes to engage more students in Hillel social action programs.

Hannah Miller
Religion VP

Hannah Miller is a freshman from the Chicagoland area. She is undeclared in Newhouse and working towards her minor in Judaic Studies. Hannah attended Jewish day school from pre-school all the way through high school, has traveled to Israel three times, and was very involved with United Synagogue Youth (USY) throughout high school. Hannah is incredibly excited to be a member of the 2011 Hillel Executive Board. She looks forward to sharing her passion for Judaism with the many other members of Hillel as well as creating meaningful Jewish experiences. Hannah is an outgoing and enthusiastic person who always looks at the glass half-full. If you see her around, be sure to say hi and introduce yourself!

Jenna Heller
Israel VP

Jenna Heller is a junior at Syracuse University from Miami, Florida. She’s an English and textual studies major and visited Israel through Birthright this past May. She had such an incredible experience there that she decided to run for Hillel’s Israel Vice President as a result. She hopes to plan many programs geared to Israel advocacy that will educate the people in attendance and inspire a true interest in Israel. Jenna is so passionate about Israel and hopes to bring about a similar passion in every member of Hillel and the Syracuse community.

Melissa Sack
Engagement VP

Melissa Sack is a sophomore from Chelmsford, Massachusetts.  She is a fashion design major in VPA and has been involved in Hillel since freshfest her freshman year.  Melissa is looking forward to her role as engagement VP at Hillel this year and wants to try and involve even more people with Hillel at SU.  She has some great ideas for new events at Hillel and is excited about the 2011 year!  Melissa enjoys drawing, going to concerts, watching Red Sox games, and attending Shabbat every Friday night.  If you see her, be sure to say hello!

Zac Jutcovich

Financial VP

Zac Jutcovich is a sophomore from Merion Station, Pennsylvania. He is a transfer student from Case Western Reserve University and is currently studying international relations with a minor in global political economy. He has been a Jewish Day School kid since pre-school and also attended Camp Ramah in the Poconos. While at Case, he was very involved in Hillel Life and knew that he wanted to continue working and spending time with other Jews at Syracuse. Zac enjoys sports, going to concerts, and generally hanging out. He hopes you have a wonderful spring semester and come to Hillel as much as possible. He looks forward to meeting you, so if you see him, make sure to say hello!

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